Release Yakubu: The one with competition data in Smart Graphics

TLDR: In this release we have continued to roll out competition level data throughout the Toolbox, adding it to Smart Graphics, the Football Lab and Visualisations. Elsewhere we’ve also added a new range of options for radar percentile population, to better tailor the chosen player or team against a population.
Smart Graphics
- NEW Competition Level Graphics – Added a new entity type for ‘Competition’ that will allow you to create graphics at a competition level. For example, comparing stats between the Premier League and La Liga.
- All data providers
- All data providers
- NEW Competition Logos – Added the option to tag competition logos in the media library so they automatically populate in Smart Graphics.
- This is applicable to any graphic type and doesn’t require a competition entity.
- All data providers
Football Lab
- NEW Competition Level Data – Added a new tab in Rank and Analyse for Competitions
- All data providers
- NEW Competition Visualisations – Added the following visualisations (available on all data providers):
- Shot Placement Areas
- Set Piece Zonal
- Flank Attacks
- Events By Zone
- Event Ratios By Zone (Opta and Impect initially, Wyscout to follow soon)
- Radar Percentile Population Options – Added several new options to Radars to allow you to select the population you would like to plot the radar against. This should allow for radars that visually align more with expectations. These are:
- Men’s Leagues
- Men’s Tournaments
- Youth Men’s Leagues
- Youth Men’s Tournaments
- Women’s Leagues
- Women’s Tournaments
Event Lab
- NEWCompetition Level Data – Added an additional tab to the Event Lab to allow users to view and compare data across different competitions. This also includes the majority of the existing Event Lab functionality as you’d expect, including building your own stats, customisable view, conditional filtering and more.
- Improved load times for stats in Smart Graphics.
- Various other smaller bug fixes and improvements.
If you would like to know more about any of the features or fixes listed above, or would like to hear about what we have planned in the future, then please feel free to get in touch.